Leonard Mountain has a long history of serving our customers with integrity and excellence.
Leonard Mountain Inc. is a privately held company and always has been. Our goal is to deliver the highest quality olives to our customers with efficiency and ease.
The principals and staff work together as a family to provide the best atmosphere possible for one another.
We believe every job is important and has its purpose as there is not a job better than the other. The owners have been been known to be mistaken for the cleaning and the stuffing crew by the folks from outside.
Starting off as a small company, we hired local people who needed the employment. As of today, many of them still work for us and have grown very skilled at what they do. Learning the tasks in order to grow with the growth of Leonard Mountain Inc.
Because of their dedication and attention to detail, we have been able to pack and ship the best possible olives for our customers. For our staff values the work that they do for you, because it is not just a job for them – it’s a passion.